Share Your Flipping Story, Please!
Last Sunday I posted this video and received lots of wonderful words of encouragement and only one person who said they would do what I have requested. Understand that I appreciate your words of thanks, however, what I really need right now is for people to share their words of thanks via video. The reason I would really like this is so I can create a montage of y’all saying great things about Flipping Physics. This will encourage other people to view the videos and I will, hopefully, less often hear “I wish I had found Flipping Physics earlier!”
I know there are many of you who have learned copiously from my videos. All I am asking in return is that you film yourself saying thanks and send that in to me. Please. I could really use your help. Thanks.
- mr.p
#APPhysics1 #APPhysicsC #AAPT #PhysicsED
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